Google has given the first details on what’s new in Android. The next version of Android is version number 4.2 but will still be known as Jelly Bean. This includes the latest version of Google Now (see the video below), a new camera experience
and new swype-like typing experience amongst other features.
and new swype-like typing experience amongst other features.
Google is introducing photo spheres with Android 4.2. This means that you can take pictures from every direction (up, down, left and right) and the software will stitch these together into a photo sphere that puts you inside the scene. Another new feature is the ability to share media wirelessly to your television set.
Notifications have also been expanded and now you can take certain actions in the notifiocation window such as emailing and snoozing an alarm. On the tablet side of things, Android 4.2 also brings support for multiple users. This means each person can have their own homescreen, background, widgets, apps and games. Google says it is a simple process to switch between users, no need to log in and out. For all the new features click here.
Via Google.
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