Xperia S owners: Who has camera autofocus issues?

This is a topic that has been brought to our attention on a number of occasions. We weren’t going to initially cover it as we couldn’t replicate the issues ourselves, but given the number of people it seems to affect we thought we’d ask the question to our readers. If you own the Sony Xperia S, do you suffer from focus problems when using the camera or camcorder function?
People have been reporting a wide variety of problems over the last six months whether it would be blurry pictures despite a green focus square before snapping the shot or general autofocus issues. Others report a worse problem with night shots than daytime shots. We don’t know whether this is hardware or software related, but there has been no fix to users complaining of the issue.
We’d like to hear from all Xperia S owners – if your camera works fine let us know what settings you are using, do you use the stock camera app or a third party one, do you use automatic or manual settings? If you have problems, let us know in detail what the main issues are. Have there been any workarounds to make the issues less severe? Let us know in the comments below.
Thanks adsada!

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