Sony’s new PlayStation Store for PlayStation Mobile opens 3rd October

Sony has finally given a solid release date for the launch of PlayStation Mobile. The new PlayStation Store for PlayStation Mobile will be launching two weeks today on Wednesday 3 October. It will initially be available in nine countries including Japan, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Australia with more to follow.
As we already know, PSone Classic content will be scrapped in favour of “PlayStation-like content to a variety of popular mobile devices”. Sony says there will be around 30 new titles at launch from both first and third-party developers at prices between 50 yen (£0.39, €0.49, $0.64) and 850 yen (£6.68, €8.31, $10.84).
Sony also announced that a couple of additional manufacturers (Fujitsu and Sharp) have joined the PlayStation Certified license program. Whilst they may not be strong in the west, both companies have significant market share in Japan. These two manufacturers join the likes of Asus, Wikipad and HTC who are already on the list.
Developers working on PlayStation Mobile will be glad to hear that the Software Development Kit (SDK) will be available in November starting in 11 countries and regions including Japan, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Australia, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Developers will have to pay US$99 annually for the license agreement.
As things stand, there are a range of PlayStation Certified devices including the following: Xperia arc, Xperia PLAY, Xperia S, Xperia SL, Xperia ion, Xperia acro S, Xperia TX, Xperia T and Xperia V. Japanese handsets include the Xperia acro, Xperia acro HD, Xperia SX and Xperia GX. In terms of tablets, we have the Sony Tablet S, Sony Tablet P and new Xperia Tablet S. HTC’s One series of smartphones (HTC One™ X, HTC One™ S, and HTC One™ V) are also PlayStation Certified.
Via Sony.

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