"Twitter Is Over Capacity" Message Welcomes Users on New Year

twitter_You know something is wrong when tweets like "It's amazing how three words can ruin my day! Twitter over capacity" and "Twitter's New Year resolution needs to be I will never go over capacity" are populating your timeline on New Year.

Popular micro-blogging website Twitter’s servers reportedly crashed yesterday owing to a barrage of New Year tweets. The crash meant that the timeline was not accessible nor was anybody able to tweet. Frustrated users were greeted to "Twitter is over capacity" message.
"Some people experienced issues connecting early today," said Carolyn Penner, a spokeswoman for Twitter, in an e-mail to the 'New York Times'. Though, no clarification was given on why Twitter went down or for how long the service was unavailable.
Biggest rival Facebook, however, functioned without any hiccups whatsoever.

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