Facebook Timeline

Timeline is Now Available for All Facebook Users

Facebook's new Timeline feature, which offers a new way to present your Facebook profile to the world, has gone live today, but you'll have to opt in to get the new features right now.
To get Timeline on your profile, you need to first head over to Facebook's official Timeline page and click the "Get It Now" button at the bottom of the page. Once you enable it on your account, you need to set everything up. You have a seven day review period to tinker with the design before anyone else can see it, or you can hit the publish button and get it going immediately.
The review process is there so you can fiddle with your settings. As with the previous version of Facebook, you can hide or delete status updates, but you can now highlight the updates you want to feature on your Timeline by clicking on the star to the right of the update. You can also pick out a banner image for the top of your profile. A new tool called Activity Log also makes its debut and you can review every single thing you've ever done on Facebook since you opened your account.
As best as we can tell, your privacy setting seem to remain intact, but as with any Facebook update, you may want to check and make sure you're not accidentally sharing information you don't want to. Timeline comes with a few new settings of its own, including rules regarding who can post on your Timeline and who can't, so it's worth reviewing your settings before hitting the publish button.

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